Why Join?
Whether you are interested in being part of a Vizsla-owner community or are looking to find information and educational resources about the Vizsla breed, the Vizsla Club of Metro Atlanta is the place to be.
Meet people with a love for the Vizsla
Attend monthly meeting and events
Learn about caring for your Vizsla, great places to get out those "zoomies", conformation and performance activities
Find your new best friend through rescue or breeder referral
And so much more!
Membership Levels
For those who don't want to attend meetings or vote or live out of state
Non-Voting Membership
One Membership Covers All Household Members
All of the same membership benefits as regular members, but simply no vote at meetings
Georgia Residents Only
Voting Membership
One Vote
For those who plan to come to most of the monthly meetings
Allows ability for one person to vote when issues arise
Georgia Residents Only
Voting Membership
Two Votes
For those who plan to come to most of the monthly meetings
Allows ability for two people to vote when issues arise
Two year memberships also available